The Relationship between Career Self-Efficacy and Work Readiness of Final Year Students


  • Yoga Achmad Ramadhan 17 August 1945 University Samarinda
  • Dionasius Bith 17 August 1945 University Samarinda
  • Evi Kurniasari Purwaningrum 17 August 1945 University Samarinda


Career Self-Efficacy, Work Readiness, Final year students


This research aims to determine the relationship between career self-efficacy and work readiness among East Kalimantan psychology faculty students. This study tested the hypothesis that there was a correlation between career self-efficacy and work readiness among East Kalimantan psychology faculty students. The total population consisted of 140 East Kalimantan psychology faculty students, of whom 101 served as samples. The sampling method employed a random sampling method. This study employed two measurement instruments, namely the career self-efficacy and work readiness scales. The analysis method employed straightforward regression analysis using SPSS version 25. The R-value (correlation coefficient) of 0.38 indicated that the relationship between variable x and variable y had an adequate linear relationship, as determined by computer analysis of research data using the SPSS version 25 program. The adjusted R Square value was 0.378, or 37.8%, and the p-value was 0.000. The results of the analysis indicated a correlation between career self-efficacy and work readiness that was 37.8% significant.


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How to Cite

Yoga Achmad Ramadhan, Dionasius Bith, & Evi Kurniasari Purwaningrum. (2023). The Relationship between Career Self-Efficacy and Work Readiness of Final Year Students. Proceeding ADRI International Conference on Multidisciplinary Research, 1(1), 400–407. Retrieved from


