Legal Protection of Children's Inheritance Rights in Marriage Under Hand
inheritance rights, marriage under hand, child protectionAbstract
Many Indonesians do not register their marriages with the Marriage Registration Officer (PPN) so that Indonesian people recognize the term marriage under the hand as a valid marriage under Islamic Law but is not registered with the Office of Religious Affairs (KUA), so the legal validity of the marriage is not recognized by the State. One of the negative effects of underhand marriage is the absence of binding legal force over the marriage. The state considers that marriage under the hand never existed because there is no proof of a marriage certificate. The results showed that children born in marriages under the hands are basically legitimate children. This can also cause problems for children born from unregistered marriages to receive legal protection in the form of maintenance, health, education, and inheritance. This is based on Law Number 16 of 2019 concerning amendments to Law Number 1 of 1974 concerning Marriage and the Compilation of Islamic Law. The inheritance rights of children born from marriages under the hands are settled through the Constitutional Court Decision of the Republic of Indonesia Number 46/PUU-XIII/2010. Before the Constitutional Court ruling, a child born from a marriage under the hand could inherit if both parents had a marriage isbat.
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